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22 May 2013

Kipper Videos!!

6 Dec 15: I've noticed that with the recent upsurge in interest in Kipper cards this post has been receiving a lot of new hits, so for your convenience I'm adding the link to the Kipper videos playlist I created for my Kippermania! post.

I am sooooooooooo excited!

There's precious little information on the internet (at least, that I've found so far) regarding Kipperkarten/Kipper Cards. There's xxxxxxxxxx (sorry, the owner and I have had a falling out), Fennario's list and a great little group on Facebook. Mama Whodun's site seems to have pulled up the drawbridge recently, I hope temporarily.
Edit 25 May 13 - It seems Mama Whodun is just taking the summer off - "gone fishin'" - but will be back in the autumn. Yay!
6 Dec 15 - Sorry. She did come back for a while but then she closed up shop. :(

If you've got a solid background in fortune telling with cards, you'll find enough guidance to get you going with Kippers. But if, like me, you're relatively new to cartomancy and no one around you reads, you may feel the need to actually see the cards in action.

So, imagine how thrilled I was when I discovered Malkiel Rouven Dietrich's videos on Kipper cards. I started with the ones in German, which I could just get the gist of, but then he posted some in English! There are vids on the card meanings, including positional relationships as well as important "pointers" in the images, and he demonstrates a wonderful Gypsy spread he learned from his grandmother.

Vielen Dank, Malkiel!

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06 May 2013

I did it!

I trimmed my first deck.

Well, I had to. I mean, why put a heavy murky-green border around such a pretty picture?

Lenormand Oracle - Lo Scarabeo

The scenery opens up once the border is removed.

These cards were also a little big, but now I have a nice dainty deck to play with.

If this has inspired you to release some of your cards from their cages, see my previous post for a link to Donnaleigh de LaRose's video tutorial.

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